Between January and May 2015, while Caitlín Matthews was writing The Lost Book of the Grail, a study of the 13th century Old French poem, The Elucidation, she also kept a daily diary of her progress. Within these daily explorations of what it is to be a writer researching the Grail legends, Caitlín uncovers the art of writing, the fascinating depths of myth and the mystical imagination, and the very essence of the Grail quest from both the Pagan and Christian viewpoints. Myth, Arthurian legend, history, cooking, meditation and writing interweave to frame a window on a writer’s world, giving a view of rare intimacy. Writing from inside the Grail myth, Caitlín looks for the handholds and stepping places that pilgrims search for upon their quest.
Format: eBook. Print length 82pp.
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